gmhTODAY 01 gmhToday Mar Apr 2015 | Seite 69

DICTIONARY GIVE-A-WAY Presented by the Rotary Club of Morgan Hill Approximately 900 third graders in public, private, and home schools in the Morgan Hill area received hardcover dictionaries during the week of January 26-30. This is the fourth year of the proj- ect which began in 2012. The Dictionaries were distribut- ed at each of the Morgan Hill public and private schools, as well as to home-schooled third graders. The dictionaries are given to 3rd grade students to encourage and support literacy in our community. The process of looking up a definition in a hard bound dictionary teaches alphabetical organization, how to use guide words, spelling patterns, words meanings and parts of speech. A children’s dictionary teaches a child far more than just how to spell a word. CITYWIDE LUNCH RIDE Presented by Specialized Bikes City of Morgan Hill and Concept Cyclery Join the growing number of cyclists that ride along Chesbro Reservoir on Oak Glen Avenue in Morgan Hill as part of the citywide Lunch Ride happening the first Monday of each month starting at 12:15 p.m. at the Community and Cultural Center. G M H T O D A Y M A G A Z I N E MARCH / APRIL 2015 69