GLOW Why Church on Saturda | Page 6

Reason Three - Experience The third reason I keep the Sabbath is because I’ve responded to Jesus’ invitation to try it and see if His Word is true. God often invites us to test Him. One such occasion is in Malachi 3 where He challenges us to give Him one-tenth of our income. To those who accept, He promises to pour out a blessing. The Sabbath also contains a challenge. God invites us to give Him one-seventh of our time. If we do, He promises to bless us. “If you…call the Sabbath a delight…then shall you delight yourself in the Lord” (Isaiah 58:13, 14). I experience this Sabbath blessing every week. Resting on the Sabbath restores me physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually. It de-stresses me from the burdens of life. I enjoy uninterrupted time with family and friends that keeps our relationships alive. Worshipping with fellow believers energizes me. I gain insight and inspiration from Bible study and sermons on the Sabbath. The Sabbath gives me a reason to stop all earthly pursuits every week. Since it is God’s command, it leaves no room to compromise for a pressing project at work, or any other thing