GLOSS Volume 1, Issue 3 - 2017 | Page 56

There are a number of reasons behind adopting a vegetarian diet , such as , out of respect for sentient life .
Other motivations include religious convictions or , more popularly , health as it has shown to help battle several diseases like cancer , cardiovascular strains as well as Type II Diabetes .
The age-old debate
Perhaps the most sensationalised aspect of vegetarianism though is the meat versus vegetable debate .
Proponents of vegetarianism argue that eating meat harms health , wastes resources , causes deforestation and creates pollution . It ’ s also stressed that , given the availability of non-animal food resources , it is cruel and unethical to kill animals for food .
On the other hand , opponents argue that producing vegetables causes as much an environment issue as producing meat . They fall back on the fact that a strictly vegetarian diet also opens people up to a nutrition deficiency with a plant-based diet not providing the B12 vitamin , which is necessary for your body ’ s digestive and nervous systems to function properly .
However , according to the American Dietetic Association , a vegetarian diet can meet protein requirements and provide all the essential aminoacids , the building blocks of protein , a person needs for optimal health .
Like with any lifestyle choice then , the key to a healthy transition is to do your research , and do it well .
Vegetarianism can , in fact , be just as healthy for you as an omnivorous diet , given that you take the right steps and make sure to meet all your nutritional needs .


There are a number of reasons behind adopting a vegetarian diet , such as , out of respect for sentient life .

misconceptions about vegetarianism
Not enough protein : Contrary to popular belief , protein is found in many other options other than meat ; a half cup of beans , for example , has the same amount of protein as one ounce of meat . Other high protein foods include beans , lentils , nuts , seeds and spinach
Skinny diet : Eliminating animal products does in sense mean that you will magically lose fat – that lifestyle requires a balanced diet and exercise . In fact , becoming a vegetarian often pushes people into packing more waist than wanted by unknowingly taking in a higher calorie intake
Expensive : This misconception holds some truth , as healthy eating is pricier than living on cup-anoodles and Cheetos , but the same truth is held for clean eating with high-quality meat in your meal plans as well . ( TIP : Purchase frozen veggies to keep within budget )
Boring : A lot of people assume , off the bat , that simply adhering to the vegetarian way will become tiresome quickly . Find some inspiration from rising , social media-savvy fitness gurus . With Google , a whole new world of yummy recipes await .