GLOSS Issue 22 JUNE 2015 | Page 60

O nce upon a time, in a far off land, there was a reasonably well-known writer and editor, who may or may not go by the pseudonym of Lois Lane. LOIS LANE LIVES: THE COWARDLY LION, THE WITCH, AND A VERY LARGE WARDROBE Kate Matheson 60 GLOSS JUNE 2015 It could be touted that by writing under said pseudonym she was displaying a slight lack of courage to start with; but in fact it’s a tribute to the gutsy go-get’em attitude of the original LL that inspired this writer a long time ago, and is in fact one of the reasons she is writing professionally today, so boo sucks to this malarkey. However. It cannot be denied that at this present moment in time, Mrs Lane-Kent is feeling a distinct lack of... what would be the right word for it, she ponders, busily looking up her handy Googlesaurus. Pluck? Bravery? Spirit? Valour? Nerve? Daring? Audacity? If you put these in a quiz and had the option of ‘currently lacking courage, or all of the above, and is at this present moment hiding behind the doona covers in the linen closet’ You would be pretty much spot on. I like to think that on a day to day basis, this Girl Reporter doesn’t lack a bit of grit and derring-do. When it comes to standing up for others, I am usually busy making sure nobody hurts my friends, relatives, cat, or the bloke who just happened to wander past when I was