GLOSS Issue 22 JUNE 2015 | Page 53

WHAT’S YOUR VITALITY BANK BALANCE? • MORTGAGING YOUR ASSETS YOU’RE IN SURVIVAL MODE Are you... • On ‘ borrowed time’ and running from one thing to another? • Loading up on caffeine and late nights to manage deadlines and big projects? • Working late after you’ve put your kids to bed and still ‘online’ or with a digital device right before you go to sleep? • Packing too many things into your agenda without time to review and process meetings and calls in between? • Pushing the ‘ME’ time, health, wellbeing and fitness goals down the list so they become a weekend occurrence (if that) because life is just too busy? • Spending time with people that drain your energy, challenge your goals and leave you feeling depleted? • • Here’s how you can create the shift from crazy to calm - by making regular deposits into your Vitality Bank on both a business and a personal level. ADDING VALUE • Drink plenty of water - ensure you have filtered water in meetings, in a stainless steel bottle on your desk • (avoid plastic and go for a re-usable version) Move daily - 1% if your day is just 14.4 mins - at the very least commit that time to something that is focused on your health and fitness - the WakeUpWorkout, a brisk walk before you have a shower and head to work, an express stretch session, 15mins cardio on the cycle at the gym, a jog around the block if you’re travelling for work. Throw out the old excuse of needing an hour and plan 15 minutes DAILY on your cardio and muscular health. The results WILL surprise you. Consistency is the key to success. Manage your calendar well to create space, allow creativity and rejuvenation on a daily basis - do this by planning your winning week religiously - you need to create the week you want or you’ll get the one you’re given Re-ignite a positive mindset. A fresh perspective is essential in leading by example, encouraging innovation, creativity and leadership. Pause before you answer or rush into problem solving, are you surrounding yourself with the right people and are you giving back and sharing your knowledge. These things all contribute to creating a culture of clear decision making and teamwork. Eating healthily - it’s actually the most important element for anyone with a demanding schedule. As an entrepreneur or business lead er you GLOSS JUNE 2015 53