GLOSS Issue 21 APRIL 2015 | Page 19

who do this well will have a more motivated and passionate workforce that produces better results. Silos will be broken down in the pursuit of work structures that are more collaborative and accepting of how people live and their individual interests. INTEGRATION OF TECHNOLOGY AND PEOPLE: Technological integration across different systems, processes and data is very much a given. 2014 saw organisations scramble to get their CRM, cloud content, ERP, social and other data management systems talking to each other. For newer businesses, it was a relatively easy process and for others such as hospitality, where legacy systems had to be integrated, the approach has been slower. 2015 will see more collaborations take place with organisations aiming to put more data into action through sharing, analysis and application. Owing to technology, last year also saw greater collaboration in areas such as resource and team management. Gone are the days where employees were brought on board to work 9 to 5 for a job, over a certain period of time, at a given location. The collaborative nature of technology has benefited entrepreneurs greatly as, with limited budgets, they have been able to pull together the most effective teams for the job – without geographic and time constraints. Small businesses have just as much access to the best personnel suited to the job as bigger organisations. This plug and play business model will continue to gain popularity this year. COLLABORATIVE COMPETITION: Early in 2013, Harvard Business Review published an article noting that collaboration is the new competition. The article highlights how, in an effort to tackle today’s complex and interconnected problems, leaders and organisations are putting aside self-interest to build a new civic infrastructure and advance shared objectives. While competition will continue to drive many people, the nature, parameters and desire that craft it will shift to a more collaborative model. Increasingly, non-traditional partners are coming together, and will continue to do so, to embrace a new way of working together. From angel investment and funding to launching new publications, the measure of competition will be more collective. People will pool in resources to support collective and individual growth. As entrepreneur Janine Garner notes in her book From Me To We, to succeed in a ‘we’ world, we need to learn how to engage, as commercial collaboration is key to future-proofing the economy. As the economy continues to get reshaped, collaboration’s role in the new culture and the very fabric of business will continue to evolve. The above noted trends and new ones that pop up through 2015 will become a more intrinsic part of how we do business and interact with the world around us.