GLOSS Issue 12 MAY 2014 | Page 51

Life in the 21st century is never going to be less than odd for us twentieth century oldies. For you, things are smooth sailing. You are cruising in a world of technological wizardry and more information than you will be able to process in ten lifetimes. I know you will find this hard to imagine, but when I was your age, I had to handwrite my homework, and look things up in books. Books, darling; those funny things in what you call the ‘museum of horrors’, although why you find it so amusing calling my study that every time you come in is beyond me. It’s because the generations before you – even your silly old bag of a mum, as I heard you mutter under your breath the other night, with her silly old books – fought for you. Look up ‘the suffragettes’ online. Look up ‘female leaders of the early 21st century’. Look up Sheryl Sandberg. Look up Marissa Meyer. Look up Janine – remind yourself of the things she got up to! And it was men and women working together, the way they do now. I know you think boys are repulsive, and granted most 14 year old boys do leave a lot to be desired, but they turn out OK. Most of them anyway (see qualifier below). Remember how much you enjoyed reading President Rodham Clinton’s story? The way she took on Putin? The reforms she made in America? You said ‘I want to be just like her one day’. Don’t be like her. Be better. And for the love of monkeys… Career wise, the world is at your feet. My dream at your age was to be a fighter pilot – but girls weren’t allowed back then. Yes, I know it was stupid, but luckily that’s changed now, and if you want to, you can be a part of the front line defending Australia. If I had you now (don’t shudder), your dad would be able to stay at home and look after you while I went back to work, if that’s what we wanted to do. When you were born, that wasn’t an option. A lot has changed, thank goodness. You can be an international cricket or rugby player (I know, shut up about sport Mum). You can play AFL past primary school – I couldn’t, which was a shame, because I loved it. You can be anything you want, MM. You can have any job under the sun. The sky – well, the sky isn’t even the limit. So here is what I want you to do. Don’t waste it. You may only be 14, and I may sound like a pushy old broad, but the reason you have all of these things? Don’t. Marry. Someone. Like. Bill. Love, Your Mum.