GloMag GloMagMarch2020 | Page 7

“Hello, Arun speaking.” “Good morning, Dr. Naresh. How are you?” “Slightly depressed.” “Come on here. We'll chalk out a plan.” Without waiting for his reply he put the receiver back. Arun walked again waiting for Naresh - a friend with whom he could share his feeling unreservedly. The quest takes them to a village. Being city dwellers living in gated communities such as ‘Friends Colony’ and ‘Welcome Colony,’ they are pleasantly surprised by the natural beauty of the village and the warm hospitality of the villagers even amidst distressing times, the death of a loved one. Lessons to be learnt here by city dwellers who cannot but help compare the genuineness of the village to the artificiality of city life. “I'm unable to forget the funeral scene. I’ve attended many but it was different. Such an overwhelming spectacle of love and camaraderie! Undreamt of in big cities.” “Their honesty, unvarnished simplicity made a deep indelible impression upon me.” “And hospitality?” 7