GloMag GloMagApril2020 | Page 144

guided and still guides our minds to the secrets she holds for our intended longevity but things have changed. Humanity has faded. I cry because the trees are dying. I weep because the earth is burning. I sigh because the sky is falling. I pray for us for them... I, Zola – I am blessed to be a custodian of my people’s cultural wisdom. I am chosen and destined to share our traditions and customs to new generations. I am Zulu. I am cosmos. I am the weather. I am rain. I am dew. I am mediator. My name is Zola. Praise Song for Zola – Keeper of the sacred umbilical forests, of our emergence onto the plains, along the banks of timeless rivers – You carry the jewel of our story in your flowing tears, the spiritual immersion in the headwaters of our song – 144