Global Security and Intelligence Studies Volume 2, Issue 1, Fall 2016 | Page 83

An Assessment of Lone Wolves Using Explosive-Laden Consumer Drones in the United States This field remains the subject of many fictional plotlines and alarmist articles, but there is a general lack of academic research detailing the feasibility of consumer drones in attacks. Researchers can further explore general terrorist applications of consumer drones, such as reconnaissance of otherwise inaccessible targets or drones as delivery agents for chemical or biological agents. Studies can also investigate other types of payloads, such as fragmentary grenades and various explosive substances. Researchers should actually run trial runs for drones carrying such payloads to demonstrate feasibility and probable damage. A study of international responses may yield useful approaches for the United States to follow in defending against drone threats. Some defense studies detail strategies and defense practices in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Japan, and Malaysia, but researchers can continue to investigate conditions in other countries to gauge effectiveness of different defense methods and assess vulnerabilities on a global scale. Such studies may also reveal how the United States Congress compares with other nations in passing relevant legislation and restrictions and how this might weaken security. Researchers may look into the research and development behind new drone models and features to assess possible terrorist applications and prepare defense measures. References Abbott, Chris, Matthew Clarke, Steve Hathorn, and Scott Hickle. 2016. Hostile Drones: The Hostile Use of Drones by Non-state Actors Against British Targets. London: Remote Control Project. “Critical Infrastructure Vulnerability Assessments.” 2016. Department of Homeland Security. (accessed May 28, 2016). “Diffusion of Innovations Theory.” 2016. University of Twente. https://www. theorieenoverzicht/Theory%20clusters/Communication%20and%20 Information% 20Technology/Diffusion_of_Innovations_Theory/ (accessed May 28, 2016). Eby, Charles A. 2012. The Nation that Cried Lone Wolf: A Data-driven Analysis of Individual Terrorists in the United States Since 9/11. Master’s Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School. Elias, Bart. 2016. Unmanned Aircraft Operations in Domestic Airspace: U.S. Policy and the Regulatory Landscape (CRS Report No. R44352). Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service. 77