Global Health Asia-Pacific July 2020 July 2020 | Page 54

Cover Story failed to come off drugs if her family hadn’t provided for her during the process because she would have probably ended up jobless and homeless. This shows that socio-economic factors can influence the ability to ad�ust to psychological distress to a great degree, further blurring the line between mild problems that self-correct and severe ones that are thought to respond only to medications. Socio-economic factors can influece the ability to adjust to psychological distress To address the overreliance on drugs, Dr Frances believes that diagnostic criteria should be tightened while doctors should have more time to get to know their patients To address the overreliance on drugs, Dr Frances believes that diagnostic criteria should be tightened while doctors should have more time to get to know their patients. “The diagnosis of depression should take not just one session, but normally weeks, and sometimes even months,” he told CNN. At the same time, the public should value nonpharmacological approaches and see drugs as a last resort. “I think that the overwhelming clinical experience and research finding is that most people with transient, mild depression will do very well on their own, and people should trust to their own resources, get support from their family, get psychotherapy way before they consider medication,” he said. In his view, antidepressants are more appropriate for people with �real psychiatric disorder� � a label he uses to describe severe psychological problems that are not as self-correcting as milder ones. But this approach can also have drawbacks since severe distress lacks clear-cut biological causes like mild depression and doesn’t necessarily improve with medications, as �aura’s experience testifies, though on average antidepressants do appear to be more effective in severe cases of depression. While struggling to go off medications, �aura spent long periods of time on the couch, watching TV or doing jigsaw puzzles, she told The New Yorker. Only after six months of tapering did she manage to start doing some part-time work. She said she might have An alternative model A key takeaway from the current pandemic and the swathes of evidence showing strong links between poverty and psychological suffering is that financial support is needed as a main tool for helping people with mental distress. �Our government has done a lot in giving financial support to people who are not earning. They’ve thrown billions of pounds at it, it’s quite extraordinary. But the message is that this redistribution of wealth needs to continue because we need to live in a fairer society if we want to reduce the prevalence of distress,” said Dr Johnstone, noting that past austerity measures from UK governments have fuelled poverty along with a rise in psychological problems. In addition to financial support, the dominant medical model should be complemented with alternatives for people who are uncomfortable with being labelled as mentally ill. One non-medicalising option is formulation, a way of summarising people’s difficulties and the possible reasons for them, which is widely used by psychologists and other mental health professionals in the UK. This strategy avoids framing distress as a medical illness or brain disorder and focuses instead on individual life stories. While therapists draw on research and clinical knowledge, sufferers bring their own experiences to the table in order to create a “shared story, a personal hypothesis” to make sense of their suffering within the context of their lives, explained Dr Johnstone. In the case of a woman who feels the need to constantly clean her hands, for example, formulation could trace her distress back to the abusive relationship with her partner and frame it as a way to gain back control over her life. Research, in fact, shows some people who have gone through abusive relationships keep feeling scared and out of control even after ending the relationship. In this hypothetical situation, “the formulation might suggest that cleaning was one of the ways for her to feel safe because the world feels very unsafe and maybe it’s something she got used to do while living with her husband because he didn’t hit her when the house was clean,” said Dr Johnstone. This type of narrative sets the stage for a way to get her repetitive behaviour under control: For example, she might need to talk through her painful memories of 52 JULY 2020