Global Guardian Project V8 Argentina | Page 12

square kilometers !) to fjords , lakes and u-shaped valleys , the region starkly contrasts the more northern plains of the Pampas ’ s scrublands between the Andes and the Atlantic Ocean . Since rain only tends to reach 400 kilometres inland from the ocean , the western ‘ dry ’ part of the Pampas is largely desert , while the ‘ humid ’ part closer to the coast is grasslands .
In the northeast , it ’ s like a different world ; one that is all about water ! The ‘ Mesopotamia ’ region is a watershed of beautiful blue lagoons , marshes , and wetlands , all of which are important ecosystems . The Paraná River and Uruguay River deliver lifesustaining water from the north to this region , carving their paths through ancient rock , and carrying nutrients downstream .
Read the Overview Section aloud together . Argentina is a country with many landscapes , use the descriptive words in the text as clues to help you imagine and draw a picture of one of Argentina ’ s landscapes .
Build or design a diorama of an ecosystem in Argentina based on the Overview description and other facts in the capsule . Alternatively , cut pictures out of magazines to make a collage of an ecosystem in Argentina .
Create a chart to show the size of Argentina in terms of population . Add your own country to the chart and 3 or more other countries . How do countries populations compare ? Research the geographic size of each country on your chart and add this information . How do the countries sizes relate to their populations ?