Global Custodian Hedge Fund Annual 2018 | Page 96

[ S U R V E Y | F A Q ] Global Custodian McLagan survey FAQ In March 2018, AON McLagan Investment Services (McLagan) and Global Custodian (GC), signed an agreement to co-operate in the management of client experience surveys in the securities services industry. How does the relationship between GC and McLagan work? Under the terms of the partnership agreement, McLagan provides a fully outsourced survey service to GC, including the creation and distribution of questionnaires, the collection of questionnaires completed both online through a dedicated tech- nology platform and offline in formatted Excel spreadsheets, the analysis of the data received and the preparation of both the results and accompanying texts for publication. GC manages all editorial, sponsorship and advertising associat- ed with the surveys, including the digital badges and the awards dinners. McLagan prepares research reports, based on the survey findings, combined with additional information about the costs, revenues, productivity and financial performance of service pro- viders, for purchase by the firms that take part in having their services assessed. To avoid conflicts of interest, there is no revenue-sharing on these respective product sets between the two companies. [Below McLagan explains the data collection process and the safeguards surrounding it.] How will my clients be invited to participate in the survey? To ensure we remain in compliance with the General Data Pro- tection Regulation (GDPR), which requires that survey respond- ents consent to the use of their data to take part in the surveys, you must seek the consent of your clients to share their contact details with us. To assist with this process, McLagan provides an on-line ser- vice, the McLagan Survey GDPR Consent Platform. This enables you to upload a spreadsheet file of, at a minimum, client email addresses, in CSV format, and email the clients directly to seek their consent to share their contact details with us. If you prefer not to email clients directly from the platform, you can also download from the platform a unique set of links to email clients from your own email address. Once a client consents to the sharing of their information with us, we also seek their consent to share the survey questionnaire with them. Once they have given that consent, we open a pass- word-protected survey account in their name. 96 Global Custodian The Hedge Fund Annual 2018 If your CSV file contains all the information required to open an account on the McLagan Survey Platform – namely, first name, surname, name of institution, email address and contact telephone number – we can automate the survey account open- ing process for your clients without the need for them to enter any further information, by pre-populating the account opening form. This is helpful, because it minimises the time they need to invest before answering the survey questions. Your clients are also given an option to withdraw consent at any time (which we are required to do under GDPR) and an option to renew consent automatically. Contact details are erased automatically if consent is refused or withdrawn – also as required by GDPR. We appreciate that many of you have consented clients for the purposes of surveys already but we require this step to ensure that we too have a full audit trail of consented survey partici- pants of our own. The McLagan Survey GDPR Consent Platform provides you with a full log (or audit trail) of the consent process as well, so you can prove to your regulators you remained in full compliance with GDPR. You can use the tool to automate your own consent process and keep client contact details as well as consents fully up to date. Importantly, McLagan at no time has access to data you upload into the McLagan Survey GDPR Consent Platform. It is hashed (i.e. turned into alphanumeric code) as well as password-pro- tected, so only you can see your own client data. Can I invite clients directly? Yes. Email invitations can be sent directly from your service pro- vider account dashboard, which will allow you track whether or not your client has accepted his or her invitation to participate in the survey. Alternatively, you can copy and paste a copy of our survey link and send it directly to clients through your own email account. To maintain compliance with GDPR, your clients still have to confirm that they have read our Privacy Notice and given Consent to our use of their data; they can skip this stage if they are Consented already via the McLagan Survey GDPR Consent Platform.