Global Custodian Fall 2018 | Page 29

[ T H O U G H T Example output for intra-day liquidity usage L E A D E R S H I P ] The Deutsche Bank view In times of evolving industry change, inefficiencies in settlement could result in a financial and reputational impact for financial institutions. These challenges have led us to focus on two areas. First, working collaboratively with institutional and corporate clients to gain an intimate understanding of their securities settlement challenges, and leveraging new technology to provide superior services in compliance with market participant regulation. Second, partnering with data analysts to uncover the intraday liquidity behav- iour of our clients and extracting the intelligence needed to support them in meeting increasing regulatory and treasury optimisation requirements. Fiona Gallagher, Head of Securities Services, Deutsche Bank “The insight gained from analysing and condensing large data sets into actionable insights enables effective decision- making and delivers tangible benefit” MIKE CLARKE, PRODUCT MANAGEMENT, SECURITIES SERVICES AT DEUTSCHE BANK a much faster turnaround time to their queries, which is particularly important to help them manage trades near market settlement cut-off time and prevent trade failures that could potentially lead to financial loss or reputational risk. Providing data insights in Securities Ser- vices related cash liquidity The second project addresses the height- ened focus on cash liquidity within the financial services industry. Treasurers need visibility into their company’s cash positions globally to optimise their avail- able liquidity, reduce funding costs and maximise return on cash. Furthermore, financial institutions are having to prove to regulators that they know their availa- ble sources of liquidity and have adequate capital reserves in the event of a crisis. Deutsche Bank’s Securities Services partnered with the bank’s Data Labs to develop a data analytics model on their Enterprise Analytics Platform that graph- ically shows clients’ cash liquidity usage and how this corresponds to Deutsche Bank’s funding provision in the market. As a result, Securities Services is able to provide more detailed liquidity insights at the client level and review its market funding allocations to ensure they are appropriate to cover these needs. In an initial 12-week proof of concept, 18 months of cash and securities settlement information for a selection of European markets was brought together, analysed and presented via dashboards to provide insights into client settlement activities that can be viewed by, for example: • Currency of settlement; • Place of settlement; • Time period; and • Cash account. This data transparency enables clients to better understand when in the day their peak liquidity usage occurs, empow- ering them with the opportunity to modi- fy their cash account funding behaviour. According to Mike Clarke, product management, Securities Services at Deutsche Bank, “The insight gained from analysing and condensing large data sets into actionable insights enables effective decision-making and delivers tangible benefit.” What are the next areas of focus? Having successfully deployed these two example solutions, the focus now shifts towards widening the scope to cover more markets and clients, as well as ad- dress further problem statements through collaborative opportunities. As an example, settlement efficiency will continue to be a key focus area for data analytics to assist in understanding the impact of the penalty regime of the Central Securities Depositary Regulation (CSDR). Under CSDR failing transactions in the market will be subject to fines and a mandatory buy-in introduced after a trade has failed for four days. By providing data insights into patterns in pending or failed transactions, clients will be able to iden- tify the key drivers behind failures and directly address the root cause, avoiding the potential penalty impact. Fall 2018 29