GLO.ACT Approach to Implementation

APPROACH TO IMPLEMENTATION The overarching aim of the project is to reduce Trafficking in Persons (TIP) and Smuggling of Migrants (SOM), and to assist and protect victims and vulnerable migrants, including children. Both GLO.ACT Asia and the Middle East and GLO.ACT builds on a global community of practice set in motion in its first phase (2015-2019) and assists governmental authorities and civil society organizations in targeted, innovative and demand-driven interventions along 5 pillars of intervention: 1. Sustaining effective strategy and policy development 2. Legislative review and harmonization 3. Capacity building 4. Regional and international cooperation 5. Protection and assistance to victims and vulnerable migrants. ENGAGEMENT WITH COUNTRIES: FROM CONSULTATION TO PARTNERSHIP TO OWNERSHIP • Two prong engagement – in Vienna through the Permanent Missions to the United Nations and intergovernmental processes, and in capitals both at the high level (ministerial/deputy level) and technical (TIP Committees and structures) • Investment in securing the engagement, buy-in and appropriate modality of implementation, tailored to each partner country • Nominations of focal points, trust building and clear communications protocols for each country • Multiple consultative missions to partner countries to deepen understanding of gaps and needs in response and consult with senior officials, law enforcement, prosecution, judiciary, military, parliamentarians, civil society and international partners on prioritized needs • Completed 5 strategic national TIP and SOM analytical assessments and targeted legal reviews, including stakeholder analysis • Developed reviewable national and regional theories of change, with accompanying comprehensive workplans and monitoring tools opportunities for future improvement.