GLASS: The UrbanGlass Art Quarterly Issue #152, Fall 2018 | Page 10

Experience this unique exhibition combining art , story-telling , music , lighting , and encounter .



Opens October 3 , 2018 glass

The UrbanGlass Art Quarterly editor Andrew Page editor @ glassquarterly . com
art direction Stislow Design
publisher Don Zanone donzanone @ earthlink . net
managing editor Lindsay Woodruff managingeditor @ glassquarterly . com
copy editor Michele Albright
contributing editors John Drury , William Ganis , Victoria Josslin , William Warmus
interns Chelsea Liu Olivia M . Ryder
glass The UrbanGlass Art Quarterly ( ISSN 1064-900X ) is published quarterly for the amount of $ 36 per yearly subscription by UrbanGlass ( 647 Fulton St ., Brooklyn , NY 11217 ), a nonprofit organization . Periodical postage pending at Brooklyn , NY , and additional mailing offices . POSTMASTER , please send address changes to : Glass Quarterly , 647 Fulton St ., Brooklyn , NY 11217 . No . 152 © 2018 by UrbanGlass . All rights reserved . The content of each issue is indexed by Design and Applied Art Index .
Individual subscriptions ( www . glassquarterly . com ) are $ 36 per year in the USA , $ 44 in Canada and Mexico , $ 60 in all other countries . Institutional subscriptions are $ 42 in the USA , $ 50 in Canada and Mexico , $ 66 in all other countries . Back issues ( backissues @ glassquarterly . com ) vary in price .
For subscription inquiries , call or write : Glass Quarterly , 647 Fulton St ., Brooklyn , NY 11217 Phone : 718-625-3685 ext . 222 Email : customerservice @ glassquarterly . com
Join us for an opening celebration on October 6 , 2018 . Visit museumofglass . org for tickets and details .
For editorial and advertising inquiries : glass The UrbanGlass Art Quarterly 647 Fulton St ., Brooklyn , NY 11217 Phone : 718-625-3685 ext . 222 info @ glassquarterly . com , www . glassquarterly . com Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned . Material will be handled with care , but no responsibility is assumed for it .
1801 Dock Street , Tacoma , WA 98402 | museumofglass . org
Preston Singletary ( Tlingit , born 1963 ). White Raven , 2017 . Blown , hot-sculpted and sand-carved glass ; steel stand ; 18 1 / 2 × 7 × 9 in . Photo by Russell Johnson .