Giving Back Magazine January 2019 | Page 80

Luncheon HOLIDAY LUNCHEON T he Annual Holiday Luncheon was recently hosted at Frisco’s to benefit Just in Time for Foster Youth. Guests attending the luncheon brought a gift to benefit JIT’s program. Just in Time is helping transition-age foster youth, ages 18-26, achieve self-sufficiency and well-being in San Diego. The elegant ladies in attendance enjoyed sharing time with each other and learning about the important programs Just In Time offers changing the lives of the region’s youth. Diane Archambault, Melody Petersen and Mike Stivers Sue Mooradian and Wendy Nash 80 GBSAN.COM | JANUARY 2019 Sharon Keagy, Pam Deitz and Christina Stow R Diane Stocker and Joan Coppenrath Gabrielle Goodman and Kandee Bondy ecientemente se realizó el Almuerzo Anual de Las Fiestas en Frisco a beneficio de Just in Time for Foster Youth. Los invitados presentes llegaron cada uno con un regalo para el programa de Just in Time, que asiste a los jóvenes transitando los 18 a 26 años en situación de guarda. Este programa quiere lograr que estos jóvenes logren su bienestar y su autosuficiencia. Las elegantes damas presentes disfrutaron de compartir un ameno momento y enterarse sobre los importantes programas que Just in Time está ofreciendo a los jóvenes de la región. Beverly Scarano and Nancy Spector