GirlSense and NonSense Nov. 2014 | Page 23

A Letter From Lauren Bramwell

Dear Idaho Legislature,

My mother always told me that my tongue would get me in trouble one day. For years I thought she was speaking of my french kissing awesomeness, but turns out, my cherry knotting was the least of her concerns. She told me to choose my battles wisely, always speak with conviction, AND ALWAYS stand up for what is right. So, Idaho legislature, with my mother’s blessing, this letter is for you. And I hope you wear it on your chest to show your constituents just how much you have let them down. Let them tally your mistakes, the egregious crimes you have made in the cloak of political servitude. Let them wander in the stank of the decisions you have made in pursuit of fattening your well greased cow hide wallet. (Much to that poor cow’s dismay).

Perhaps we should recap the circus of a session that revolved around your desperate pursuit for re-election. Go back to the time where you refused AGAIN to print a bill encouraging equal treatment of people whose only sin is loving another. I hate to break it to you Mr. Chairman but the noose of Jim Crow is hanging heavily on the LGBTQ community, and while you sit on your bigoted haunches people will continue to suffer. But never-mind equal rights.

Go back to the time where you were willing to pass a form of blatant discrimination in the guise of religious freedom, while your religious brothers and sisters stood in solidarity recognizing YOUR bill as a form of legislative hatred. Ignore constitutionality, ignore cautionary warnings of modern segregation- because you, my republican friend have a hateful agenda to tend to.

Oops. there goes my tongue.

But never-mind prejudice in office.

Go back to the time where your chambers were filled with concerned Idahoans whose voices were squandered by your wealthy campaign contributors. You preach local control yet you bathe in the riches of corporate personhood. The testimonial clock is ticking yet the NRA is dripping from your fingertips. Tick Tock- but never mind the people. Tick- Tock- But never mind their voices.

Speaking of voices, remember how investigative journalists don’t have one? Heaven forbid the farming industry be held responsible by the public to treat animals humanely. Too worried about your dairy farms to invest in education. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems as though fines and imprisonment for exercising free speech is something that men and women have died for. - But never mind my grandfather’s sacrifices. Never mind the first amendment. To the land of the free and home of the bigoted:

My mother always told me that my tongue would get me in trouble one day, but I write this letter with no apologies or hesitation. Much to your dismay, I will not allow my voice to fall silent. The time for change is now. I stand in firm conviction, refusing to be brain-washed by your metaphors of liberty that do nothing more than imPRISON.

Love, The girl who’s not afraid to speak. Xoxo

Speaking of prison---Butch Otter, anyone? __________Insert sound cymbal here.

Oops. there goes my tongue.

But never-mind prejudice in office.

Go back to the time where your chambers were filled with concerned Idahoans whose voices were squandered by your wealthy campaign contributors. You preach local control yet you bathe in the riches of corporate personhood. The testimonial clock is ticking yet the NRA is dripping from your fingertips. Tick Tock- but never mind the people. Tick- Tock- But never mind their voices.

Speaking of voices, remember how investigative journalists don’t have one? Heaven forbid the farming industry be held responsible by the public to treat animals humanely. Too worried about your dairy farms to invest in education. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems as though fines and imprisonment for exercising free speech is something that men and women have died for. - But never mind my grandfather’s sacrifices. Never mind the first amendment. To the land of the free and home of the bigoted:

My mother always told me that my tongue would get me in trouble one day, but I write this letter with no apologies or hesitation. Much to your dismay, I will not allow my voice to fall silent. The time for change is now. I stand in firm conviction, refusing to be brain-washed by your metaphors of liberty that do nothing more than imPRISON.


The girl who’s not afraid to speak. Xoxo

Speaking of prison---Butch Otter, anyone? __________Insert sound cymbal here.