GirlGI | Girl Gone International Issue 9 | Page 93

Mary American of Bohemian Travelers has been traveling with her husband and three boys for over 8 years. What inspired you to make this move to a more long term-travel lifestyle? We wanted adventure, an escape from the rat race of the typical ‘American dream’ lifestyle and we also wanted our children to see the difference between what we need and what we want in life. Does long-term travel with children present any obstacles? I honestly do not think of it as hard at all. I find it really enhances our travel as adults to enjoy these new and interesting experiences through both our eyes and that of our children. My only tip in regards to traveling with kids is to try and be present as much as possible. Any difficulty you go through will soon pass and will seem small in hindsight. Keep that in mind and you can weather any storm. What are some of the ways you’ve seen this lifestyle influence your children? I think the things that stand out most is their increased ability to work through any problem, show empathy towards everyone, a willingness to try new things, increased patience and adaptability, as well as language attainment and a knowledge of geography and history. What should people should take into account when considering a nomadic lifestyle for their family? How you will fund that lifestyle is extremely important as well as being honest about what way they want to travel. We started out thinking we’d live in hostels and barely spend any money on accommodation but quickly realized that was just not for us, we needed a little more for comfort and were happy to spend $20 a night to have it. Be flexible and you will find your way.