GirlGI | Girl Gone International GirlGI Issue 4 | Page 90

‘The friends we make abroad become like family & true friendships know no borders.’ Written by Ruth Puttfarken & Morag Macdonald Simpson WE met in Scotland, in July 1963, as part of a school exchange trip: pupils from Osterode am Harz in Northern Germany came to Glasgow for two weeks, and then pupils from Glasgow went to Osterode. Everyone was paired randomly with a pupil from the other country. In one of life’s happiest accidents, we were paired together. The next year, Morag returned to Germany on another school trip and stayed with Ruth’s family again. In December 1965, Ruth went to Scotland and stayed with Morag’s family. In the mid-1960’s, these journeys took a long time and a great deal of organisation. Ruth’s trip from Osterode to Glasgow took 24 hours, in freezing cold conditions and Morag’s bus journey from Glasgow to Osterode took just as long. In the years after 1965, life changed quite a lot for us. Morag was at university and moved to London afterwards, and Ruth was an au pair in America. We kept in 2014 Start an international friendship that will last a lifetime!