GirlGI | Girl Gone International GirlGI Issue 4 | Page 87

INTEGRATE! Do not live in an expat bubble. Your children will benefit hugely, socially, culturally and linguistically You told us! GIRL GONE INTERNATIONALS share their advice on raising TCKs Trust your instincts. Celebrate both (or all) cultures It is a great opportunity to learn about new parenting cultures and think twice about how we raise our kids. Take the best of both worlds Don’t be afraid of the unknown Consider local schools. It’s the best way to really learn the language and culture and make local friends Get them involved in the country you moved to - be it language immersion, a playgroup or after school activity with local children Let them know it’s ok to be different, especially in a country where homogeneity is still predominant Maintain your home country connections Keep traditions. Visit the same place every year or celebrate birthday and holidays the same way every year. It creates a solid cultural base, which can give TCKs a place to explore from Make sure your children benefit from being bilingual; once they speak two languages it is far easier for them to learn other languages