GirlGI | Girl Gone International GirlGI Issue 3 | Page 37

Is cargo shipping your way around the world for you? Aye Aye captain! A very original way to see the world Disconnect and watch the sea go by Complete social media detox Reduce your carbon footprint Read all the books you never had time for Unusual destinations Not a tourist in sight Better accommodation than on a cruiseship No luggage restriction What to P ack! Determine what destinations you will be travelling to before considering what to pack for your travel. Resist the tempatation of no baggage weight restrictions. When in doubt, leave it out. Binoculars Antique Radio Face Travelling Speaker A small pocket torch Go Travel 9LED travelling torch Passport and visas Vaccination certificate Medical certificate to travel I would rather walk the gangplank! No nightlife No internet 95% men No doctor on board Departure days and times can change Short trips are not possible, 20 days minimum Not suitable for handicapable people American flagged freighters don’t carry passengers. Foreign flagged ships are prevented by U.S. law from carrying passengers between U.S. Ports Health insurance for the voyage Cash/cards/cheques Sun protection Insect spray Medical emergency kit Seasickness pills Universal adaptors A pair of shoes with non-skid rubber soles. Shoes are removed in all carpeted areas of the ship they should be easy to take on and off Portable drinking cups for wine and beer with a sippy cup lid keeps your drinks cold