GirlGI | Girl Gone International GirlGI Issue 3 | Page 25

So Bex, of all the modes of transport available, why a cargo ship? I love travelling by sea and my father is an ex-seafaring man. As a person who seeks out alternative travel methods, the idea of travelling as a passenger on a container ship as opposed to a cruise ship was pretty exciting. Did you have any expectations while planning to take on this adventure? Travel in the past has taught me to never have expectations, but that’s easier said than done. As a writer, I am blessed – and sometimes cursed – with an overactive imagination so I was expecting bad food and uncomfortable accommodation. So once onboard, what was your first thought? That my cabin was positively luxurious! I had a double bed, desk and a lounge area. I definitely didn’t anticipate having a swimming pool or gym on board! You were the the only female aboard the cargo ship. How was it being a solo female in a confined area with a crew of 24? I very quickly felt as if I was with an extended family of uncles, cousins and brothers. A lot of them missed their families and loved to talk a lot about their wives and children. The senior crew were Swiss, Polish and German whereas the rest of the crew were Filipino. It was a really interesting exercise in learning about other cultures and living amongst them on a daily basis.