GirlGI | Girl Gone International GirlGI Issue 3 | Page 114

Our mind – not always our best friend It is also very interesting to note that our mind is not usually helpful in dealing with such unpleasant emotions and situations. Have you noticed that sometimes the observation of ‘being alone’ can escalate very quickly into “I am very lonely”, which implies suffering and hardship? Usually we have to prompt ourselves to remember why we made the decisions that led to us feeling lonely, for example; reminding ourselves that we are trying to live a meaningful, adventurous and exciting life instead of taking no risks. Whereas unfortunately, thoughts like “Did I make the right choice? I must be crazy giving up everything back home for an adventure!” seem to be constant background chatter in such situations. On top of that, very often when we are suffering from loneliness, our brain starts going around and around in circles over past or possible future events, which often results in avoidance of social interaction and feelings of sadness and anxiety. This leads to even more disconnection and a higher rating of perceived loneliness.