GirlGI | Girl Gone International GirlGI Issue 2 | Page 92

the court ’ s treatment of gifts and debts . For example , ask whether you are liable for your partner ’ s debts , or whether gifts from friends and family might be considered marital assets .
Immigration & Health Matters
Immigration rules vary widely country by country and sometimes change quickly , so our advice here is necessarily general . In short , if your residency status is tied to your marriage , you need to find out how it could change in the event of a separation . For those of you without EU citizenship living in the EU , keep in mind that long-term or indefinite residency in one European country does not mean you can move to another EU country without a visa . Health insurance is mandatory in many countries in the EU . In the US , it may be an employee benefit from your job or your partner ’ s job . Ask the relevant authorities or health insurance companies about the impact of a divorce – including costs if you live in the US – on your coverage .
Administrative Issues
If your partner is moving away to another city or country , it is easier to start the separation process while you two are still in the same city . For example , if you live together in a rented flat , follow the procedure specified in your contract for moving out , and communicate with the landlord about how your deposit should be returned if your bank accounts are separate .
In cancelling utilities , telephone services , and for setting up mail forwarding , as well as in dealing with some governmental authori-