GirlGI | Girl Gone International GirlGI Issue 2 | Page 44

Best sites
GGI Verdict

Girls Gone International are digital nomads . No matter where we are , we can always find a way to get online and connected .

To help you fund your international lifestyle , we give you our top 10 ways to earn extra cash that overcome language and location barriers .



Exhibit and sell your creations to a massive audience .

Best sites

Etsy | Big Cartel | Supermarket | StorEnvy | Ecomarket | DaWanda | Madeit | Folksy


Make product photography your focus . Shoppers can ’ t touch your items but they should feel like they have . Provide at least 5 clear , detailed images from different angles enticing perusers to add it to their baskets .

GGI Verdict

Don ’ t limit yourself to just one e-commerce platform . If you are an independent artist try Big Cartel . Supermarket is a curated collection where you can sell your cool products . StorEnvy offers both a marketplace and the possibility to build your own stand alone shop . Ecomarket is for small businesses offering eco-friendly products . DaWanda is a huge European marketplace like Etsy where you can sell handmade or vintage products and supplies . Madeit is the one to be on if you have gone international to Australia while if you are in the UK , Folksy is the largest marketplace for handmade work .