GirlGI | Girl Gone International GirlGI Issue 2 | Page 108

Ingrid Heyerdahl

Ingrid Heyerdahl ( 33 ) is from Norway . She has been living in Singapore since 2012 . Prior to that she lived in France , Australia , America and Qatar . Ingrid has two small children and runs her own successful online health coaching business .
I am a Girl Gone International because :
I have a national identity crisis ! Born in Brazil to a Norwegian father and a mother from Macau , I was raised speaking English , Norwegian and Portuguese . I grew up and did all of my schooling in Norway but never completely felt Norwegian because of my mixed-race appearance and general way of thinking . At the age of 16 I decided to set off into the world by myself and travel .
Where do you call ‘ home ’?
I always considered Norway to be my home , but as it ’ s unlikely that I will ever go back and live there , I would have to say Singapore ... for now .
What does the word ‘ home ’ mean to you ?
Having been a ‘ nomad ’ most of my life , home has now become where my
husband and I work and where our children go to school . A bit of a cliché , but as long as the four of us are happy and together , we are ‘ home ’.
Your top cure for homesickness ?
Get a piece of paper and write down all the positive things you are experiencing in your life – things you probably would not be doing if you had stayed at home in your birth country . You will quickly realize how blessed you are and how rich your life is .
What item from ‘ home ’ have you always taken with you ?
I always carry a framed picture of my late father , so he can be with me wherever I go . He completes my home .