Gingras Global Magazine Fall 2017 | Page 50

Rescue vs. Empowerment of Others

Thought Leaders


"The defining global challenges of our time spring from the fact that both our natural and public resources are limited. Social enterprises and impact investors represent the importance of unwavering commitment to economic, social and environmental well-being for both the present and the future, balancing society’s needs today with the demands of tomorrow."

The best part about social enterprise is the ripple effect it has throughout a community. Entrepreneurs are living authentically and creating value for all stakeholders, stakeholders, in turn, are experiencing the power of capital when deployed in an intentionally inclusive way, and the ecosystem becomes more dynamic, equitable, and diverse as marginalized groups gain access. As business and capital are harnessed as tools to make the world a more balanced place, communities, the economy and - more importantly - the individual thrive.

Social enterprise is not about rescue. I always say that you should not pity those on our team, but rather praise them for all they have been through and still come out the other side stronger. The social enterprise space is about pushing a vision forward while creating a better world. It is about being driven not by profit, but by the mission, which in turn drives the organization forward. It is the hardest job and is meant for those that are selfless and can rise to the challenge because of what is at stake.