Gilroy Today 2014 06 Summer | Page 74


50 ?

… time to turn back the clock !

It is very normal to take your body for granted , most men and women do . In your youth , you probably neglected and mistreated your body and it never failed you . A couple of decades ago , you could probably work for 12 hours straight , devour a pizza , and spend the evening in front of the TV and know that your body would be in great condition for a game of tennis that weekend . It was only a matter of time , however , before the mistakes of your youth began to take their toll . You might notice a new crick in your back as you carry in the groceries , possibly your jeans seem to tighten a size each year , or perhaps you are concerned with the increasing number of prescriptions accumulating in your medicine cabinet .

By the time most people reach the age of 50 or 60 they have accepted the negative effects of aging as a fact of life — one that they have little or no control over . While it is true that we cannot stop the calendar from marching ahead at what seems to be a faster and faster pace , recent studies have shown that we can alter the rate at which our bodies progress through our life cycle .
We now have a better understanding of why some people tend to age much faster than others . The good news is that there is a large body of scientific evidence that suggests that we can slow down and even reverse the symptoms of aging . In fact , many people can be in better health in their 70s than they were in their 50s . Recent studies indicate that between the ages of 30 and 70 many of the symptoms & conditions that were traditionally associated with normal aging are in fact the result of sedentary lifestyles . If you suspect these are warning signs of more serious problems yet to come , you are right . However , today is a great day to reclaim your health and freedom by beginning a 50 + exercise program .
As you age you are increasingly more at risk of losing your health , independence , and even life .
Eighty-two percent of people who die from coronary heart disease are over 50 , the average age for men being 64 and for women 70 . Obesity rates are the highest they have ever been and 60 % of all obese senior citizens will suffer a critical or fatal illness related to their weight , including uncontrolled diabetes . ( cdc . gov )
Right now you enjoy the ability to complete basic tasks like grocery shopping and laundry , but every year , you lose 2- 5 % of your muscle strength and 2- 3 % of your bone density . After age 70 , this decline accelerates . A much better health and happiness outlook exists for the men and women who exercise . These people have a proven ability to actually increase bone density and muscle mass .
Considering that 78 % - 90 % of retirees and senior citizens lead overly sedentary lifestyles , any exercise over 50 is a great achievement . However , if you want to ensure your continued health and happiness , then you need to develop a well-rounded exercise program that includes some portion of cardio , strength training , and flexibility workouts .
CARDIOVASCULAR exercise is a proven way to fight heart disease and obesity and is a vital exercise for women over 50 and men over 45 . It is also believed that the increased blood flow helps to improve cognitive abilities . The amount and intensity needed for your cardio workout is unique to your body , but most people have had greatest success when they maintain their target heart rate for 30 to 60 minutes .
Many people who ’ ve had significant fitness success recommend finding a cardio workout that is fun and will motivate you to keep exercising . Right here in Morgan Hill at the Centennial Recreation Center there are several 50 + classes that will get your heart pumping .
STRENGTH TRAINING builds muscle mass , reduces fat , and gives you strength to perform your everyday tasks longer .
Your body is broken into muscle groups , such as abs , biceps , and back . The American Heart Association recommends that you perform a minimum of 8 to 10 exercises per muscle group . Strength training experts typically focus on only one or two muscle groups each day and make sure their entire body has been exercised before beginning a new cycle . Strength training can be done at home or at the gym . At the gym , you will have access to a wide range of weights and press , curl , and rowing machines . The Centennial Recreation Center offers complimentary wellness sessions with a qualified wellness coach to help you get started with weight training . The coaches will teach you how to perform the exercises on the machines and get you started on a weight training regime .
Like aerobic endurance and muscle strength , FLEXIBILITY provides anti-aging benefits that keep you running like new . The pain and stiffness of aging begins as temporary tensions that become learned habits . But don ’ t assume that with aging you will automatically lose your flexibility . You can counter-balance the effects of aging so that your physiology is quite a bit younger than your chronology . When you stay flexible , you ’ ll be able to live with vibrancy , energy , and independence . Yoga is a great way to stay limber . A striking finding in the Yoga Journal study was the rise of the “ yoga as medicine ” trend : 14 million Americans say that a doctor or therapist has recommended yoga to them . With good reason . “ The health benefits of yoga are well documented ,” says Christine Geithner , professor of human physiology at Gonzaga University in Spokane , Wash . “ It ’ s a good entry-level activity for older adults .”
The good news is that regular exercise incorporated into our lifestyle can improve our heart and respiratory function , lower our blood pressure , increase our strength , improve bone density , improve flexibility , quicken our reaction time , reduce body fat , increase muscle mass , and reduce susceptibility to depression & disease .
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