Gilroy Today 2014 06 Summer | Page 23

Residents of Gilroy are fortunate to have such a unique venue as Gilroy Gardens . It might have been the vision of one man , Michael Bonfante , but it has become the source of many dreams , education and fun for all the residents of Gilroy and for the thousands who visit every year .

Like so many unique business ventures , Gilroy Gardens is not the result of a meticulously structured business plan . Jay Baska , a board member for the non-profit Gilroy Gardens , describes it as a checker board plan ... a crossways move to the left then the right , another right and several zigs and zags till the checker reaches the other side and is made a king . There is no doubt today Gilroy Gardens has royalty status . Of the thirty amusement parks in California , it is unique in that it is owned by the local municipality , it operates in the black and it attracts over 400,000 people a year ! There are bigger parks in California ; there are smaller parks but none has the pedigree and the future Gilroy Gardens has !

The City of Gilroy owns the land and the assets . The business , Gilroy Gardens Inc ., is a nonprofit entity run by a local and new volunteer board of directors . Cedar Fair , an entertainment company out of Ohio , operates the day-today operation of Gilroy Gardens . Since 2003 , local resident Barbara-Lea Granter has been the Vice President & General Manager of Gilroy Gardens .
Gilroy Gardens is a thriving venture . Michael Bonfante and his crew are back in the Gardens doing maintenance , garden enhancements and tree trimming . Operations are in the black . Monies are being funneled back into maintenance , upkeep and enhancements . Attendance continues to thrive and staff is considering a goal of half a million visitors a year . Gilroy Gardens is a major employer with part time employment figures hovering between 800 and 1200 . The return on the City of Gilroy ’ s investment is seen in increased local employment , taxable sales , more tourism and a second identifier or brand element , Gilroy Gardens . Gilroy and the annual Gilroy Garlic Festival have had a long and profitable association . Gilroy Gardens has become a strong and profitable second brand association for Gilroy .
The current activity schedule for the Gardens is packed with science camps , overnights , special events , and tributes to moms , dads and vets . Gilroy Gardens is stepping up its efforts to combine education and entertainment . Second and fourth graders from local and regional schools are attending regular science days at the Park .


The history of Gilroy Gardens centers on Michael Bonfante . Michael is a man who is making a mark on this planet in more ways than one . During the ‘ 60s and ‘ 70s while Michael was growing the Hob Hill grocery store chain he was finding solace and adventure in the caring for big trees . The grocery store mogul loved trees !
The land that started as a place to nurture and grow trees needed landscaping and eventually became a garden . The land south of Hecker Pass Highway was home to Michael ’ s tree business . Grocery store managers said Michael spent too much time with his trees while the tree people said he spent too much time in the grocery stores . By 1977 , Nob Hill Family Park was opened for employees and families and served as a bridge between the stores and the trees .
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