Gilroy Today 2013 03 Spring | Page 3


Published By : InfoPOWER Communications 7446 Rosanna Street / Gilroy , CA 95020
Telephone : 408.848.6540 Email : jchris @ gilroytoday . com
EDITOR J . Chris Mickartz
COPYWRITING Larry & J . Chris Mickartz Kelly Barbazette Elizabeth Barratt Stephanie Vegh Sam Bozzo Mel Rodinsky
PHOTOGRAPHY Larry J . Mickartz
PROOFING Susan Patereau Kelly Barbazette


CONTRIBUTORS Aging Dorie U . Sugay Finance Jeffrey M . Orth , ChFC , CASL Insurance David Villar The Kids Corner Go Kids Inc . The Law James Ward Real Estate Marta Dinsmore Commercial Real Estate George Renz Secondary Education Gavilan College Social Media Susan Patereau Tourism Jane Howard
WEBSITE Susan Patereau DISTRIBUTION Glenita Gordon
ADVERTISING email ads @ gilroytoday . com for ad placement , information , and availability .
COMMUNITY EVENTS & INFORMATION Submit for free inclusion , space permitting .
© Copyright 2013 . All rights reserved . No part , either editorial or display advertising , may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher and author .


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From the Editor


just want to say that this publication is not only “ for and about the community of Gilroy ,” it is BY the community — YOU ! We could not publish Gilroy Today without all the wonderful contributions J . Chris Mickartz that are made by you , the citizens of Gilroy . Gilroy Today is your publication and if you would like to see a person , place , or event covered within its pages , just let us know . Please feel free to email me with story ideas or just something that you find of interest — jchris @ gilroytoday . com .
I grew up in Los Banos . I know , not a very exciting place to grow up , but there were some highlights . I have very fond memories of the Easter celebrations and the wonderful Easter Pie that my parents ’ Italian friends cooked . So , I decided to see if I could find a recipe that was close to what I remembered . My in-house chef , Larry , was kind enough to bake one for me . The result , although not quite the same , was really pretty tasty . See the recipe on page 56 . Also , I need to thank Debbie Hoey for indulging my desire to set an Easter Table befitting just such a brunch dish . See pages 51-55 .
Spring is here and soon the trees will get their leaves back and the flowers will bloom . What a wonderful time to take a hike . We want to thank Ron Erskine , a columnist and hiking enthusiast for helping us put together a bit of a road map for you of all the great hiking opportunities that surround us . His photos along with those provided by Teri Freedman show some of the amazing views , vistas and birds that inhabit the area . See pages 8-12 .
No need to go to Napa for a glass of award-winning wine . Just a short drive , like a few minutes , and you can taste some of the best wines in California . Our local wineries took home some 46 medals in the recent San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition . How cool is that ? See our wine expert ’ s column on pages 42- 43 for a complete list . And see the top wines featured on page 44 .
Mayor Don Gage is settling into his new position and he and our city council have been busy developing a vision and mission for our city . I ’ ve always been a fan of Don ’ s . And having recently attended a “ Coffee With The Mayor ” at city hall , I must say he does not disappoint . He listens and answers questions straightforwardly . He ’ s just a no nonsense kind of a guy — and in my humble opinion , just what Gilroy needs . See the city council ’ s vision and mission on pages 58-59 .
Hope you enjoy this issue . And be sure to let us know if there ’ s something or someone you would like to see in future issues .
On a closing note :
Gilroy Today is printed on environmentally friendly , sustainable paper with environmentally sound soy based ink . We urge you to recycle this magazine should you decide to discard it .
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