Gilroy Today 2013 03 Spring | Page 58

Mayor Don Gage

City Council ( L-R ) Dion Bracco , Kat Tucker , Peter Arellano , City Attorney Andy Faber , Mayor Don Gage , City Administrator Tom Haglund , Peter Leroe-M

Don has been here before so there is a certain calmness in his mayoral demeanor . On the other hand , four of the seven sitting members of the City Council at one time or another have been candidates for the position Don won in 2012 .

Don has a number of goals for his four years , but Don has been in politics for a while and he understands the importance of four votes . To that end , for the City Council retreat held on January 11-12 , 2013 , the Council used a facilitator to guide them through a process of identifying a vision and strategic plans for the next 15 years .
The facilitator , Lyle Sumek , spent time before the retreat getting to know the Council members and gathering preferences towards the plans . The ultimate vision is described as the following :
Gilroy 2028 is :
• A Safe Community and the Choice of Families — a Preferred Place for Family Living
• Vibrant with a Thriving Downtown that is the Heart of the Community
• Filled with Livable Neighborhoods
• Abundant with Recreational and Leisure Opportunities
• Easily Accessible , providing ample mobility
• A Source of Pride
Making Gilroy a great place to live !”
To accomplish this vision , the starting place for the City of Gilroy is the development of a mission .
The Mission of the City of Gilroy Is To :
• Be Financially Sound
• Be Customer Oriented
• Provide 1st Class Municipal Services
• Have Engaged Residents .
With this foundation , the Council is in the process of identifying one-year , five-year and fifteen-year goals and an action plan to implement this vision and mission . In the next few months , these goals and action plans will come to Council for implementation . Don , as mayor , is very pleased with this process and has high hopes for the future of Gilroy .
With the economy on the upswing , Don looks forward to the “ restart ” this process will give the Council and the city administration . Some of the “ restart ” focus will include better linkage with the Gilroy Unified School District , a continued emphasis on budget accountability , development encouragement as exemplified by the 18 percent reduction in developer fees , working towards a vibrant downtown that will become the heart of the community , and a focus on customer service from city departments .
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