Gilroy Today 2013 03 Spring | Page 14

Understanding Healthcare Reform

Villar , President Pacific Coast Benefits LLC ,
Dave Villar is the President of Pacific Coast Benefits LLC . He was a founder and partner of PDI Insurance Services . Dave is an active member of the National Association of Health Underwriters and a member of the Anthem Blue Cross Agent Advisory Council . He has specialized in Employee Benefit Planning for businesses since 1987 . To find out more about Pacific Coast Benefits and upcoming Healthcare Reform Seminars , visit www . pacbenins . com or call ( 408 ) 847-1000 .
( EBRI ) has conducted a survey of consumer confidence as it relates to employer
sponsored health insurance .
Last year ’ s survey results have recently been published and some interesting conclusions can be drawn from the results . One of the questions asked was “ What changes would you make if any , if Congress decides to tax health benefits as a means to raise revenue to pay for Healthcare Reform ?” The results of survey show that nearly half of American workers would either switch to lower cost option , or drop coverage all together .
of employer sponsored health insurance is certain to continue notwithstanding the pending changes inside of healthcare reform .
The survey also found that individuals were mixed when it comes to their preferred means of obtaining health insurance . 40 % of those who responded would prefer to continue to receive employer sponsored health insurance , 34 % would prefer to obtain their own coverage and receive a reimbursement
from their
employer ,
and 23 % would prefer
Survey found that if current tax preferences were to change and employment – based coverage became taxable to workers , 26 % would want to switch
… the EBRI survey shows that employee benefits and health insurance in particular are a key factor in an employee ’ s decision in choosing a job .
that their employer give them the money for health insurance and then let them decided whether to buy it or not .
Choice of health plans was also a key
to a less costly plan , 21 % would shop directly for themselves , and 9 % would drop coverage all together and pay the penalty associated with the individual mandate in Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ( PPACA ). However , nearly 40 % of those responding said they would retain their current converge — an increase of 10 % from the previous year ’ s survey .
While changes resulting from PPACA have raised concerns as to whether employers will continue to offer health coverage to their employees , the EBRI survey shows that employee benefits and health insurance in particular are a key factor in an employee ’ s decision in choosing a job . Since employers use employee benefit programs to attract and retain the best employees , the trend
factor in consumer satisfaction . Most workers responding to the EBRI survey said that more choices would improve their perception of an employer sponsored health plan . Employees given a single health plan choice were among the least satisfied group in the survey .
Finally , employees expressed that the addition of Wellness Benefits and incentives for healthy living would be a welcome addition to an employee benefit program .
With January 1 , 2014 around the corner , now is the time to begin the review of your health plan to assure you are in compliance when PPACA is fully implemented . Pacific
Coast Benefits is committed to assisting our clients navigate healthcare reform . If you would like to attend an upcoming Healthcare
Reform Seminar , contact us for an invitation .
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