Gilroy Today 2010 06 Summer | Page 15

Summer hazards for your pet …

By Dr . Greg Martinez , DVM Gilroy Veterinary Hospital


ummer in Gilroy can be pretty warm . It always amazes me how some folks will leave their dog in with the windows rolled up . Even at moderate temperatures , leaving a dog in a car can be hazardous . If you see a dog in a car , with the windows closed , and the dog heavily panting , call 911 . If you accidently forget fido in the car , wetting down or icing down a “ hot dog ” on the way to a veterinary emergency clinic , where they will continue cooling and give IV fluids and support is a good idea .
Fleas can be abundant in the summer and if you see them on any of your animals you will need to treat all your animals for several months in a row . Flea treatment schedules can vary a lot depending on where you live , the number of cats and dogs in your house , and the advice of your vet or pet store . I usually recommend treating fleas for the spring , summer and fall , unless you are in a heavily infested flea area where yearround treatment is necessary . The EPA is investigating reactions to flea products in dogs and cats and encourages people to pay attention to the label and not use dog flea treatment on cats , or overdose small dogs and cats . If you or somebody you know puts the wrong stuff or dosage on a dog or cat , wash them immediately in dawn detergent . If cats or small dogs show any twitching or nausea , take them for a check-up immediately .
Ticks are common in the country and jump on dogs in brushy areas . Nothing grosses people out as much as finding an engorged tick full of their dogs blood . To remove a tick , pinch it as close to the skin as you can , then twist it off . If you don ’ t want to touch it , a topical flea and tick preventative will kill the embedded tick in a day or so . There often will be a bump or hairless spot where the tick was attached . Ticks elicit quite an allergic reaction and that is probably the origin of the myth of leaving the head in . Small black ticks called deer ticks can carry the bacteria responsible for Lyme disease . This disease occurs when a tick full of the borelia burgdorferi bites a susceptible dog or human . We are fortunate that there is not a high incidence in our little valley . Dogs frequently exposed to ticks can be
vaccinated , but experts are not convinced the vaccine works , and only recommend it in endemic areas . rocky brush of those areas should be vaccinated . The rattlesnake vaccine may make the bite of a rattler and cost of treatment less hurtful to your dog and your pocketbook . The downside of the vaccine is that there are more “ vaccine reactions ” or swelling at the site of the vaccine than with other vaccines .
Rough Terrain
Taking your dogs for walks is good exercise for the both of you . However , walking in gravel or mud can irritate the spaces between the pads and cause limping . Walking on hot streets can cause a blister on the pads . If there is a limp after exercise check the pads and the spaces between the toes for rashes , foxtails , swellings , or blisters . Wash up irritated feet with soapy water and if there is redness use some Neosporin for a couple days . If they look worse after a day or two , check with your vet .
Yellow Jackets
What do you do if your dog or cat chases a bee or yellow jacket , gets stung , and swells up in the lips and face ? Did you know you administer Claritin , Benadryl , or Zyrtec to prevent or treat swellings due to stings ? At dogdishdiet . com there is a free home remedy download that provides dosages for Benadryl and Claritin . The dosage for Zyrtec or Cetirizine is ¼ tablet for a small dog or cat , ½ tablet for a medium size , and 1 tablet for a large dog .
Fox Tails
Rattle Snakes
Foxtails are a summer nuisance that
Gilroy is home to rattlesnakes that live work their way through the skin , in our rocky foothills . There have been between the toes , and can get into the sightings and bites in the eastern and ears , eyes , and nose of dogs or cats western foothills and even near Eagle that run through the weeds . Sometimes Ridge . A bite from a rattler can be life when a dog or cat is holding one eye threatening and very expensive to treat . Any dog that frequently romps in Continued on page 21
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