Get Online Week 2017 Report gowreport_13july_online_1 | Page 35

GOW 2017 Report 35   A total of 250 face to face activities to promote the use of ICTs focused on cybersecurity, employability and entrepreneurship were organized in the whole country with 3,300 participants:   ‘Job seeking on the internet and social networks’, ‘Mobile apps for active job seeking’ or ‘Learn to create an online creative curriculum’ are some of the workshops organized by the CYL Digital Program of the Castilla and Leon region;   The Technological Literacy Plan of Extremadura organized three activities: workshops on trends, innovations and practical use of ICTs, focused on citizens with basic digital skills and with topics as e-commerce, e-banking, mobile payments, public data or mobile applications; “Connections and debate with experts”, a webinar to talk about cybersecurity and technological jobs, and workshop “Learning to start a business”;   Dedalo Foundation in Navarra’s region offered the Guadalinfo network were working on digital skills designed for user’s specific needs, e.g.: “Digital identity and personal data protection”, “Copyright and intellectual property on the internet”.   The Burgos region had 20 training courses in the use of tablets and mobile devices with the aim to promote the use of tactile devices in the rural environment. The impact in Social Networks was also very high with more than 400 tweets and 71^9,^997 impressions using the hashtag #gow17es. Altogether over 2 million people were reached through online and offline media. 250 events during GOW17 in Spain More than 150 young people at the workshop “Aprender a emprender” - GOW17 in Spain Training and young entrepreneurship among the main activities of GOW17 in Spain workshop “European Incubator for business ideas”, the webinar “Cyber-security in family: You drive the internet” and the workshop “Tudela, a technological city”;   In Andalusia, the 83 Local Innovation Agents of the SWEDEN SWEDEN TO BECOME A NATION OF 100% DIGITAL CITIZENS GOW17 was held for the fourth time in Sweden by Swedish network organization ‘Digidelnätverket’, supported by the National Library of Sweden in 2017. Together with its 117 partners (libraries, local authorities, public transportations, banks, healthcare and local companies) around Sweden they reached 5,302 citizens during 500 trainings, workshops, meetings, and a fair. In Sweden, there is a continuing increase in cross-functional collaborations during Get Online Week e.g. local authorities, libraries, organisations and