Geopolitics Magazine March - April 2015 ( 8th Edition ) | Page 97

Geopolitics & Daily News Magazine Written by Linda Tavlin Communication Specialist Communicating Risks after Unexpected Events in Diminishing Economies INTRODUCTION We have all see in recent times the impact of communication in the aftermath of an unexpected event. How an organization communicates – whether it is a commercial or governmental entity – can have major effects on an entire industry. If those effects are negative they can be magnified in diminishing economies. However, they can be minimized, if not prevented. Whether or not an organization gets it right or wrong is determined long before an event takes place based on the strategy that organization has in place before anything ever occurs. When the event is unexpected, there is no time to develop a strategy on what to say or do. THE INITIAL TRAGEDY The basic foundation for getting anything right or wrong in the area of communication or preventing the risks after unexpected events in any economy is communication but of course it is especially bad in diminishing economy and in what is perceived to be a non-mandatory industry such as tourism. The initial tragedy is the one that occurs that is an accident or incident that results in loss of life or injury to not just humans but to the environment. It is something that inspires an emotional response from a large audience who identifies with what happens. The initial step in preventing this secondary tragedy is the strategy that is in place before anything ever occurs. THE TURNING POINT There comes a time in an event that is called the turning point. This is the time when you can change the outcome changes from pass to fail. This is the crossroad. Whether or not the event is perceived to have been handled pass or fail is actually determined long before this point. It is actually determined by the communication strategy in place before anything ever occurs. Things actually go wrong in communication for one of two reasons. The first reason in a scenario that is a tragedy scenario – and remember we defined a tragedy scenario as one that involves loss of life, property, injury or damage – is that the anger of one of the parties to the event. One of these parties to the event can be the emotional audience, a union, a community group (who can also be the emotional audience) or politicians. The second reason things go wrong is that the issues begin to arise and you do not answer for them. When I say you do not answer for the things that go wrong, I do not necessarily mean that you give the technical answer of what went wrong. I mean you must be accessible to your publics, whoever they may be, and face them. In many industries, there is an investigation being conducted whether it is by State investigators, judiciary, or technical industry investigators. Therefore, even though you come forward to face your publics, the answers you may give them may be “I do not know.” This answer is the truth and it does not matter how many times the question is asked, this will all rights reserved 2015 Page 95