Genesis Science Fiction Magazine Issue #1 Electronic Edition | Page 2

WELCOME TO GENESIS SCIENCE FICTION MAGAZINE •TABLE OF CONTENTS• First I would like to thank God, my family, fiends and supports for making this dream a reality. Genesis Science Fiction Magazine has long been a project that needed to be undertaken. Black people should have avenues to unapologetically share and showcase their thoughts, dreams, and aspirations. Black Science Fiction Society’s flagship publication will stay true to our goal to create, highlight, celebrate and develop black science fiction, speculative fiction, fantasy & horror. By working together we can accomplish great things. Story: Grand Nubians’s Wake Up Call by Roger Barnes Interview: Brian Williams Interview: Dwaud Anyabwila Jarvis Sheffield Copy Editor Valjeanne Jeffers Cover Art Vince White Layout John Garrett All copyrights for these works belong to the respective authors and contributors. Genesis Science Fiction Magazine and The Digital Brothers are not responsible or liable for anything you feel you or someone else sees, says or does as a result of reading this magazine. This particular configuration of said works is copyrighted to The Digital Brothers. All works in this publication are either works of fiction or commentary and reviews that reflect the opinions of the individual contributors. Any resemblance to real people or situations in fictional works is purely coincidental. Send any reader feedback, submissions and questions to: [email protected]. All feedback, suggestions, complaints sent to us become the property of Genesis Science Fiction Magazine and may be printed in this or future issues. For More info please visit: 2 38 46 Interview: Turtel Onli M.A.A.T. Managing Editor 24 Story: The Visitor by Valjeanne Jeffers Interview: Vince White Jarvis Sheffield, M.Ed 17 Story: Winter Ghost by Howard Night Comic: Seoul Jappa by Garvoe Interview: Tony Cade Publisher 15 Story: Meat For The Journey by Carole McDonnell Discussion: No Black To The Future Genesis Science Fiction Magazine Staff: 03 48 10 18 25 36