Gemmalyn Crosby Clean Eating Guidelines Book Gemmalyn Crosby Clean Eating Guidlines Book | Page 5

Keep track of all the minor changes Our main goal in preparing for this life-changing process is to make sure that no accomplishment goes unnoticed. For example, if you check your weight after having been on a diet for a week, you may not notice a change on the scale. However, if you recorded your previous weight, you will even see the half pound that you might have shed! Similarly, most women aren't aware of the fact that getting a better body doesn't always mean losing weight. You can actually be gaining weight while toning up your body! This is because as the fat sheds away the muscle begins to take its place. This muscle mass is one of the best things that can happen to you! You will look leaner and slimmer even if you have added some weight on! This is why our major goal is to record all minor and major accomplishments. Keep a record of your measurements will help you in determining that you have made progress even if you cannot see it physically. Be ready to let go off usual food items Remember that you will have to train your brain. Many things that you previously believed were "Fine" to eat may not be acceptable now. For example, you may have heard all your life that meat is the best source of protein but you may find it bizarre if your diet doesn't include it. In fact, you may even find yourself thinking that you're wiser than the plan and you absolutely must stick to the essentials you have taught all your life. This is exactly why I previously mentioned that this process is going to be difficult and emotionally challenging. These constantly reminded concepts have such an important part in our brain that we have an unbreakable emotional link with food. Can you imagine no eating meat if it has been a part of your daily diet? Even if you're not a meat lover you will find yourself craving your usual diet in the first few days. However, remember that these emotions are the first thing you need to overthrow. Once you delve deeper into the plan and start seeing the positive changes in your body, you will start to experience a better quality of life and self-confidence! Even without my suggestion you will want to adopt the plan forever!