GeminiFocus June 2012 | Page 19

Figure 3. Gemini South GMOS spectrum of the [WN3] central star of IC 4663 (black), with our model atmosphere (red). The main emission lines are labeled. to six magnitudes fainter than a massive WN3 star assuming reasonable distances to IC 4663. All of the above leaves no doubt that IC 4663 is a planetary nebula, rather than an ejecta nebula around a massive WN star. Stellar Properties Wolf-Rayet stars have dense, expanding atmospheres that require specialized models to reproduce their observed spectra. We used the CMFGEN code to build a model atmosphere of the [WN3] star that takes into account metal-line blanketing and wind clumping (see Miszalski et al., 2012). Figure 3 shows our best model that provides a satisfactory fit to the GMOS spectrum. The model parameters at our adopted distance of 11,400 light-years include an extremely hot effective temperature of 140,000 K, a relatively fast wind expanding at a terminal speed of 1900 km/s, a radius 0.11 times the solar radius, a luminosity 4000 times greater than the Sun, and a mass loss rate of 1.8 x 10-8 solar masses per year. These parameters are comparable to the hottest [WC]-type Wolf-Rayet central stars. In stark contrast to [WC]-type central stars, whose atmospheres are made up of a uniform pattern of 30-50 percent helium, 30-60 per- 19 GeminiFocus cent carbon, and 2-20 percent oxygen, the atmosphere of IC 4663 is made up almost entirely of helium (≥ 95 percent) along with 0.8 percent nitrogen; it is also depleted in carbon (< 0.1 percent) and oxygen (0.05 percent). This most unusual abundance pattern suggests that as the [WN3] star’s wind starts to dissipate, it will evolve into an O(He) star whose known compositions closely match the abundance pattern of IC 4663, in the same way that [WC] central stars are thought to evolve into PG 1159 stars (see Figure 4). These stages are the penultimate phase before the formation of a hydrogen-deficient DO white dwarf. The discovery of the [WN] nature of IC 4663 has clarified the uncertain evolutionary position of the O(He) stars, of which only four are known, and two of these have planetary nebulae (Rauch et al., 1998), as the helium-rich equivalents of carbon-rich PG 1159 stars. This discovery in IC 4663 provides the best evidence so far for a second pathway for a subset of Sun-like stars to lose their hydrogen, one that is helium-rich in addition to the more common carbon-rich pathway (see Werner and Herwig, 2006). Unexplained Origins Most classical Wolf-Rayet stars (especially WC types) are very hydrogen-deficient, with hydrogen usually making up no more than a few percent of their atmospheres. In massive Wolf-Rayet stars, this can be explained by their strong wind peeling off the outer layers of hydrogen. In contrast, it is thought that an AGB precursor to a Wolf-Rayet central star experiences either a late or very late thermal pulse, reigniting helium-shell burning to burn up or mix away the remaining hydrogen. Although this scenario can reproduce the chemical sig- June2012