GeminiFocus July 2018 | Page 23

that IGRINS is a very powerful (as well as popular) visitor instrument to Gemini. Daniel Jaffe of UT Austin is the IGRINS Prin- cipal Investigator (PI). Chan Park of KASI is deputy PI and KASI instrument PI. Jae-Joon Lee at KASI supervises the IGRINS operation- al program on the Korean side. The IGRINS visit to Gemini is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under grant AST-1702267 (PI - Gregory Mace, University of Texas at Austin), and by the Korean GMT Project of KASI. Further technical details are available in Yuk et al. (2010) (viewable here), Park et al. (2014) (here), and Mace et al. (2016) (here). IGRINS science support at Gemini is provided by Hwihyun Kim. 2018A Weather The weather loss at Gemini North was a record high (in 18A as of early July). The weather loss of more than 55% is similar to what Gemini South suffered in 16A (see the April 2016 issue of GeminiFocus, page 17). In both cases the science program comple- tion suffered greatly (Figures 4 and 5). Due to the newly implemented “persistent band 1” philosophy, many of the 18A Band 1 pro- grams in the North will be extended into 18B and will have future opportunities to get data. Figure 4. The percentage of 13B to 18A (partial semester, up to July 3rd) programs that obtained 80% or more of their science time in each semester. Regular queue and Large and Long Programs are included, but not Fast Turnaround or Director’s Discretionary programs. Low completion rates correspond to poor- weather semesters (e.g., North 16B and 18A; South 15A-16A and 17A) or dome problems (North 13B and 14A). Figure 5. Telescope time use for semesters 5A to 18A (partial semester, up to July 3rd). The distribution of time used for science and engineering, and lost to faults and weather, is shown. July 2018 GeminiFocus 21