GeminiFocus July 2017 | Page 26

has also been instrumental in conveying the science goals and results generated by these projects. In addition, Schwamb is being honored in part for her efforts with Astronomy on Tap and the recurring Twitter account Astrot- weeps: Astronomy on Tap — a series of pop- ular talks given by astronomers in bars and pubs — brings the latest planetary science and astronomy news and results directly to the public in a fun and relaxing environ- ment; Astrotweeps hosts a different astrono- mer or planetary scientist each week, high- lighting their research and life as a scientist. Schwamb helped create and organize the original Astronomy on Tap events in New York City and is the co-creator of Astrot- weeps. (See GeminiFocus, April 2017, for in- formation on an Astronomy on Tap program Meg initiated in Hilo, Hawai‘i.) 24 GeminiFocus Heidi Hammel, Vice President of the Asso- ciation of Universities for Research in As- tronomy (AURA), and herself a winner of the Sagan Medal in 2002, notes, “it is an ex- ceptional honor for Meg to be recognized so early in her career for her work in astron- omy outreach.” The sentiment is shared by Henry Roe, Deputy Director of Gemini Ob- servatory, who adds that this award is only the beginning for Meg. Schwamb earned her PhD in Planetary Sci- ence from the California Institute of Tech- nology in 2011. She was a National Science Foundation postdoctoral fellow at Yale Uni- versity and an Academia Sinica postdoc- toral fellow at the Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Currently Schwamb is an assistant scientist at the Gemini Observatory at the Gemini North telescope in Hawai‘i, where her research focuses on the small body populations re- siding in our Solar System and mining large datasets for Solar System science. July 2017