GeminiFocus January 2015 | Page 4

But Wait… See What 2015 Will Bring! Starting in January, the long-awaited, and unique to Gemini, Fast Turnaround program begins (view here). For the first six months, we will test this mode with 10 percent of Gemini North’s time. Once the program is well established, the plan is to expand the mode by offering it at both telescopes. Fast Turnaround programs will allow our users to submit proposals every month and receive data as early as six weeks after proposal submission. We very much look forward to the impact that this innovative mode will have on our users around the world! In 2015, you, our users, will also have the opportunity to contribute directly to the future of Gemini. We encourage you to attend the “Future & Science of Gemini Observatory” meeting in Toronto (Ontario, Canada), from June 14th-18th. In addition to science presenta-tions, we are planning multiple discussions about Gemini’s future and will present the results of the feasibility studies for our next facili G