GeminiFocus April 2018 | Page 19

Gemini ’ s 2018 Science Users conference promises to be the best yet . Large and Long Programs have new requirements for Principal Investigators . A recap of Semester 2017B highlights the mixed fortunes and exciting events at Gemini North and South . ANTARES feeds should become available to the community once LSST is up and running . And images from Gemini ’ s cloudcams “ went viral .”
Gemini staff contributions

News for Users

Gemini ’ s 2018 Science Users conference promises to be the best yet . Large and Long Programs have new requirements for Principal Investigators . A recap of Semester 2017B highlights the mixed fortunes and exciting events at Gemini North and South . ANTARES feeds should become available to the community once LSST is up and running . And images from Gemini ’ s cloudcams “ went viral .”
SEG 2018
The 2018 Science and Evolution of Gemini Observatory is shaping up to be the best Gemini Science Users conference yet . New to this year ’ s program is a “ Speed Collaboration ” activity and “ Under the Hood ” talks ; we invite you to go to our Workshops page to see what these programs are about and suggest a topic for the Data Reduction Workshop . Conference attendees will receive a glimpse into Gemini ’ s place in the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope era and our plans to create synergy with the National Center for Optical and Infrared Astronomy . You won ’ t want to miss this event ! Regular registration is open through May 15th .
New LLP Program Policy
Beginning with the 2018 Large and Long Program proposal cycle , all principal investigators ( PIs ) of new large programs will be required to submit processed data to the Gemini Observatory Archive ( GOA ) within one year after the program ’ s original planned end date , as stated in the proposal . The data must be in the FITS format , and contain header metadata such that it is searchable within the GOA . PIs will also be required to submit documentation detailing the data reduction procedure and describe the data provided . A document containing the detailed requirements on delivering processed data products to the Observatory is now available . We encourage potential PIs with questions about this requirement to email largeprograms @ gemini . edu .
April 2018 GeminiFocus