GeminiFocus 2017 Year in Review | Page 33

Figure 1. Spectrum of a bright region near the apex of the HH 7 bowshock (as published in Pike et al., ApJ, 822: 82, 2016). All lines are due to molecular hydrogen and are labeled according by their vibrational and rotational transitions. The blue trace is the same as the black trace, but is multiplied by a factor of 150 and offset vertically to sho w the weaker lines, which had not been detected previously in any astronomical object. two temperatures: 1,800 K and 5,000 K. Ap- proximately 98.5% of the H 2 is at the lower temperature, which corresponds closely to the temperature expected for a C-shock. The higher temperature component, which is only 1.5% of the hot H 2 , accounts for virtually all of the emission by the most highly excit- ed H 2 . The origin of the 5,000 K component is of intense interest. It seems most likely to be due to H 2 that has reformed on dust grains following destruction by the shock wave. The formation of H 2 by the collision of two H atoms in the gas phase is an extremely unlikely process. However, hydrogen atoms will stick to a dust particle and can easily hop around on it, find each other, and make H 2 . Their association produces a lot of energy, some of which ejects the newly formed H 2 molecule from the dust particle and some of which leaves the molecule in a highly ex- cited state, from which it can emit spectral lines as it cools. Qualitatively this explains the observations, but many questions re- January 2018 / 2017 Year in Review main, especially regarding how well the rela- tive line strengths match predictions of the “formation spectrum.” A Fundamental Question … and the Answer A basic question about this discovery was whether the high temperature H 2 is unique to HH 7 or is found in other clouds that have been subjected to high velocity shocks. To begin to answer this question, Burton, Pike, and I observed the shocked H 2 in the loca- tion where it was initially discovered in 1976, and where it is brighter than anywhere else: the Orion Molecular Cloud (OMC-1). Using as a guide the exquisite images obtained by John Bally (University of Colorado) and col- laborators with the multi-conjugate adap- tive optics System at Gemini South, we positioned the long slit of the Gemini Near- Infrared Spectrograph (GNIRS) on Gemini North to traverse several regions of intense GeminiFocus 31