Geilo Catalog 2017 Visit Geilo Helårskatalog ENG 2017 - 01-17v2_WEB- | Page 132

V I S I T Based on our work to become a more sustainable destination, Visit Geilo has compiled 10 «sustainability commandments»/code of conduct that we hope will inspire both employees and members of our organization. As an employee and/or member of VISIT GEILO, we urge you to be: You shall do your utmost to be a good host for all visitors to our municipality. To be knowledgeable and well-infor- med is one of many duties for a host. It is permitted to communicate with a twinkle in your eye. Keep up to date with what is happening, so that you can inform those who inquire. It is a shared responsibility that everyone is fully knowledgea- ble at all times. Be proud of your surroundings, what you have created, or what you are a part of in everyday life. Show pride for what you are proud, and tell the world. Be an inspiration to those around you, and be inspired by all that the others do for the common good. Inspiration can come from the smallest thing, and result in it becoming really big. Welcome! Be perceived as credible. Fami- liarity and knowledge is often perceived as credible. Be yourself, and take responsibility for those around you. It will help you to cultivate strength. G E I L O Do more of the things that make you happy, and do even more of what you think can make others happy. Show enthusiasm, and practice to inspire and engage others around you. Everyday life is meaningful with commitment from and to other people. Talk with people and listen to what they have to say. Take seriously what people are wondering about, and include others in what you do. To feel included is both good and safe. Be loyal to those whom you need and to those who wish you well. Buy what you need at your local store. Make use of those who are loyal to the common good, and common challenges. Think outside of the box, as this often is right on target. Finding solutions to challenges is both fun and extremely useful for those who need a solution there and then. Code of Conduct for Being a Good Host Hallingskarvet National Park www.geilo.n