Geek Syndicate Issue 8 | Page 90

Geek Syndicate GS: What has been the most challenging aspect of that decision? SO: Oh gosh, the hardest part has been not having any experience writing comics! When I wanted to start writing comics when I was younger, none of the free writing programs had a comics/graphic novel option, so learning took a lot longer than it should have by default. Immersing myself into the comic book realm, going to conventions and meeting all the wonderful people that are part of the project today and all of those who continue to inspire and guide me has been an invaluable experience. I’m not afraid to ask for help if I need it - keen learner - and I’ve been blessed to meet such wonderful, helpful people who have answered all my silly, inane questions. GS: There’s already a great relationship between Elysia and Frog in the preview. Did you draw on any of your own friendships for this? SO: If I did, it was purely subconsciously. I’ve not deliberately drawn on any personal experiences for any of the characters, but you can’t avoid referring to any of your own life as a writer – even by accident. Although I’m not able to place the exact friendship between Elysia and Frog, it’s not to say I didn’t grow up having a best friend at some point who was always there for me and took care of me whilst growing up (I say this like I’ve grown up, I promise I haven’t). 90 Frog and Elysia are very different people and they also work very well together, which is fascinating because you already know they will be friends for life after just reading the teaser. Their friendship is portrayed the way it is to pay homage to all the best friends out there. It’s universally accepted that best friends are awesome, so that’s what I wanted to come across. GS: Who has been your most difficult character to write and why? SO: Elysia, by a long mile! Sounds like a cop-out of an answer, but seriously, she’s hardcore in personality and change. She goes through so many different aspects of growing up that trying to portray a spoilt little brat, who actually has a big heart and now has to undergo the biggest changes of her physical