Geaux Health & Fitness Magazine June 2014 | Page 23

geaux healthy I strongly believe in pampering myself when I am able and once a month I will try and get a massage and enjoy a ‘mani-pedi.’ I have successfully utilized acupuncture techniques and also detox two to three times a year and both practices have really made a positive difference in the way I feel. I have worked out with Jack LaLane and in his upbeat and uplifting manner he told me something I’ve never ever forgotten: “always keep moving…” I have also worked out with exPresident George Bush senior and he was so inspiring and proved to me that no matter how powerful or successful someone is, it remains imperative to take care of your body, mind and soul or all else is for naught. He was a dear man and his encouraging spirit and gentle nature really left me with an indelible impression to always do my best to just be nice. One can always learn from each individual they come into contact with and from each circumstance they go through in life. We are a results oriented society, but we oftentimes forget that the most important lessons are learned along the way, so remembering the pearls of wisdom within the journey is paramount for obtaining peace regardless of the circumstances you encounter. It has been a hard lesson, but I now realize the importance of embracing all aspects of life in full and head on. I have loved, hurt, smiled, cried, laughed, pouted, had joy, been scared and throughout it all, I have done my best to be selfless, remain humble and to let go of my pride. Life is too short to spend with negative people and the key is to learn to truly love you. Finally, humans are social creatures. While it is vitally important to become completely comfortable within your own skin, I believe it is just as important to do our best to fully avail ourselves of positively interacting with family (including our beloved pets), friends and loved ones whenever possible. Balance in all things is desirable so personal time must be in the proper ratio with professional time. Play must balance properly with work. Indulgence is okay if abstinence is also part of the equation. Being the life of the party is fine as long as time is also taken for privacy in prayer and meditation. Life is about the yin and yang of things…our ability to keep a healthy physical, mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual balance is crucial to us extracting the most out of our lives and increases our ability to pay it forward and to give of ourselves to others. Selflessness and charity are two empowering qualities I have always tried to keep front and center in my life. Remember: Anger leads to Danger Share, Care and Forgive Think Happy Thoughts and Be a Happy Person Keep God first and He will meet you where you are; everything good is from Him! GH&F June 2014 23