GCIS Bimonthly | Page 18

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“ I can ’ t believe it . It works . Our time machine works !” exclaimed Mike . Meanwhile , Kevin was busy checking the dull display of their time machine .
“ We ’ re in 7,600 BCE- the Neolithic Era !” announced Kevin triumphantly .
“ Well , that ’ s great , but right now , we have more important issues to take care of . Like how to get back home , for one thing . There ’ s only a little power left in our bat - ”
He was cut off by a loud shout . When both of them turned around , they got the shock of their lives ! Cavemen armed with very large wooden clubs were pouring out of the trees , running straight at them .
Kevin immediately pressed a button on the dashboard of their time machine . Suddenly , the air around them crackled with energy .
“ Good thing I installed a force field on this time machine , wasn ’ t it ?” asked Kevin proudly .
By this time , the cavemen had reached them . They started to pound on the force field but they were no match for 22 nd century technology . The shield held but the cavemen kept hitting it . Finally , they seemed to lose interest and slouched away .
“ Phew ! That was close .” commented Mike , breathing a sigh of relief . Just then , they heard a loud rumble .
“ Now what ?” asked Kevin .

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