GCIS Bimonthly Issue-II | Page 11

01SKUNKS As they are slow at running , skunks get rid of their predators by rancid spray . The liquid is a mixture of sulphuric chemicals and can travel about 3m away . This strong odour has an affect / effect on other creatures but not on other skunks . If this is sprayed in the eyes , the affects / effects include : sneezing , vomiting , and anaemia in rare cases .
02BOMBARDIER BEETLES They are most notable for their defence mechanism . The affect / effect of any disturbance is that a noxious chemical spray is released from the tip of their abdomen . Sometimes , the chemicals from the liquid mix with special enzymes to raise the temperature to 100 0 C . The chemicals of the liquid also contain hydrogen peroxide and can adversely affect / effect attackinginsects and it ’ s also painful for humans .
03SOUTHERN TAMANDUAS Despite its cuteness , the southern tamandua [ tuh-MANdoo-uh ] is pretty nasty . Its odour is almost 4 to 7 times stronger than that of the skunks . They only release the foul smell when in danger . You can imagine how this smell would have an affect / effect on predators ! Their strong arms and sharp , long claws also have a discouraging affect / effect on their enemies .
04SPOTTED HYENAS They produce a paste called “ hyena butter ” ( don ’ t even think of putting this butter on your toast !) which they rub against plants , leaving behind smears . This practice does not affect / effect the plants , but does have an affect / effecton other hyenas .
Many people are interested to research and learn about huge animals , unusual creatures or the world ’ s most beautiful insects . But has the thought about stinking animals ever crossed your head ? For me , it has ... So , I thought let me research about them . And here ’ s my result . Read on at your own risk !

01SKUNKS As they are slow at running , skunks get rid of their predators by rancid spray . The liquid is a mixture of sulphuric chemicals and can travel about 3m away . This strong odour has an affect / effect on other creatures but not on other skunks . If this is sprayed in the eyes , the affects / effects include : sneezing , vomiting , and anaemia in rare cases .

02BOMBARDIER BEETLES They are most notable for their defence mechanism . The affect / effect of any disturbance is that a noxious chemical spray is released from the tip of their abdomen . Sometimes , the chemicals from the liquid mix with special enzymes to raise the temperature to 100 0 C . The chemicals of the liquid also contain hydrogen peroxide and can adversely affect / effect attackinginsects and it ’ s also painful for humans .

03SOUTHERN TAMANDUAS Despite its cuteness , the southern tamandua [ tuh-MANdoo-uh ] is pretty nasty . Its odour is almost 4 to 7 times stronger than that of the skunks . They only release the foul smell when in danger . You can imagine how this smell would have an affect / effect on predators ! Their strong arms and sharp , long claws also have a discouraging affect / effect on their enemies .

04SPOTTED HYENAS They produce a paste called “ hyena butter ” ( don ’ t even think of putting this butter on your toast !) which they rub against plants , leaving behind smears . This practice does not affect / effect the plants , but does have an affect / effecton other hyenas .