Gazelle | Page 118

rencontres encounters ‫لقـــــاءات‬ portfolio I portfolio I 1 1-2. Mickadek sunshine gold & mickadek white trooper 55inch show solo @artoyz Paris photo eric-D I Mickadek sunshine gold & mickadek white trooper 55inch show solo @artoyz Paris photo eric-D I 3. Show solo futur art basel miami 2013 @Grand Central. Crédit photo : JC Pieri I Show solo futur art basel miami 2013 @Grand Central. Photo credit : JC Pieri I 4. Portrait de Ramzi Adek. Crédit photo : Eric-D I Portrait of Ramzi Adek. Photo credit : Eric-D I .‫صورة لرمزي أديك‬ I eric-D : ‫صور‬ 2 Inside Ramzi Adek’s unique universe Artist of Tunisian origin living abroad, his pseudonym (abbreviation of “adequate”) and his style were forged on the walls of Paris. ADEK has learned everything about graffiti. He gave birth to a subversive universe embodied by a colorful and generous aesthetic, at the crossroad between street and pop art. He recently presented in August 2015 an artistic performance at the prestigious restaurant La Closerie located in Tunis. f La Gazelle 62 I 120 ‫برتفوليــو‬ or several years, Ramzi Adek has devoted himself to a genuine passion for graffiti, while being a dj and a music producer. In 2009, he decided to devote himself exclusively to painting. He chooses to work in a studio, on canvas, which allowed him to develop a wide imaginary where urban culture, pop icons and references to modern and contemporary art meet. Over the years, his style and calligraphy take shape. Adek builds character and finds through his art a determination and an open mind. A philosophy that opens all doors to the one who started from nothing. Mickey Mouse is a recurring character in Ramzi Adek’s universe. By opening the gateway of onirism, he urges us to a reflection on our condition. His reassuring round shapes, his large ears and his immutable grin reveal flaws, sins and torments : he becomes an allegory of the human condition struggling with the faults of its time. Pop icon, MICKADEK goes through the canvas, stretching the possibilities of this metaphorical figure to the frontiers of abstraction. Defying the obvious, deconstructing the contemporary myths, Adek’s work requires attention and taming. Beyond this perceptive look at society, appears a reflection on the origins, the course and the situation of an artist whose discourse never interferes with the search of formal beauty, but relies on it. I